Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Busy Bees

Ok, my biggest problem is not taking enough time to stop and eat when I get extremely busy. Or if I do finally stop, I just go to the nearest fast food restaurant to grab something quick! One thing I have started doing since beginning to zone, is the night before I plan out what I am going to eat the next day. Plan EVERYTHING out!! So when you are starving and you are trying to "plan" out meals that confine to the zoning rules you don't just give up and go get a burger and fries! It happens all too easily. Reason why I do it the night before? I oversleep... a lot; if I were to try and plan everything out that morning... chances are, it would never get done. So for all my viewers who like the extra 10 min of sleep.. plan the night before. Write things down, portion things out... go ahead and fix your lunch to take to work, whatever helps!


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