Tuesday, July 17, 2012

First Post :)

Ok, so here lately everyone has been asking me to explain to them how to "Zone" once I figure it out... well let me tell you, it is definitely a constant learning process. I am constantly looking up how much I can have of each food or even just which foods I can have. For all of you newby's that are starting this process with me... I'll try and post something that explains this process VERY easily... it's not easy... just going to start by telling you that. I told myself I would stick with it for one month, then if I am doing better with it, keep going! I also am going to go ahead and tell you that EVERYTHING you read on here may not be correct and I hope that I eventually get some avid Paleo-Zone experts following me to correct anything I mess up! :) I do my best to research everything before I post something on the world wide web!! Well here goes nothing!!!

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