Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Easy Easy!

Ok so being that I have had to readjust to being back in school, I have barely had time to make new recipes, and the ones I have made, well... I wasn't going to post something that I did not like. SORRY! :)
So this is a recipe I threw together in just a few minutes but figured I would post it just to let y'all know I am still thinking of my Zoners and I am still zoning!

3 Block Meal

1 oz. Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breast (1P)
Lettuce + Cucumber (It takes ALOT of these two items to make 1C so have as much as you like!)
1/3 tsp Oil and Vinegar Dressing (1F)

Step One:
Cook your chicken in the oven as directed on bag.

Step Two:
Prepare your lettuce and cucumbers.

Step Three:
Combine all ingredients! ENJOY!

I Promise I'll make some better recipes soon!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Bad Fruits? WHAT?!


Surprisingly there are some fruits that the Zone lifestyle do not approve of... making it harder to reach personal goals if you are a regular consumer of these products. Fruits that are high in sugar and should be consumed only in limited quantity are: Bananas, Figs, Prunes, Raisins and Grapes.

Friday, August 10, 2012

I'm getting Tip-sy! :))

"To determine the amount of protein in your meal, look at your hand. The amount of protein you should consume at each meal should be equal to the size and thickness of your palm." -zone diet

I really hope this blog is helping each of you out! If y'all have any comments or questions please feel free to message me on here or Facebook! Much love!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Top of the Mornin' To Ya!

So I have been up and at this morning, 6am Crossfit workout done and now I'm in the kitchen trying a new recipe! I love some smoothies and well this is one is pretty DA-LISH!

So the recipe makes for a 3 Block drink but I divided mine in half because it made so much!
Therefore; making it a 2 serving smoothie, each being 1.5 Blocks.


1 Cup milk (or soymilk) (1C, 1F, 1P)
1 Cup Strawberries (I used the frozen kind, they seemed to make it more thick, which I wanted) (1C)
1 Kiwi (1C)
1 Cup Ice
14 g of whey protein (I used vanilla flavored... YUM! I used half a scoop, just look at the nutritional info to determine how much you need to get 14 g of protein) (2P)
6 almonds, chopped (2F)


Step One:
In a blender, combine the milk, strawberries, and kiwi.
Step Two:
Add ice, and make sure everything is blended smoothly

Step Three:
Add protein, blend well. Then top with almonds

(Picture is without almonds)

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Pineapple Chicken! YUM!

So this recipe was pretty simple hence the reason I love it! lol I'm not big on cooking something that has to have a ton of ingredients... my motto, "The simpler the better!"


One Serving: 3 Blocks

1 tsp Olive Oil (3 F)
3 oz. of chicken (3 P)
3/4 Cup Pineapple (1.5 C)
1 1/2 Cup Broccoli (1.5 C)


Step One:
Heat Olive Oil in Sauce Pan and cook chicken thoroughly.

Step Two:
Add Salt, Pepper, And Garlic

Step Three:
Add Pineapple and sprinkle with ginger.
Step Four:
Cook broccoli as directed on the bag, I use the microwave.. much faster and easier.

Step Five:
Continue to cook chicken and pineapples until pineapples are fairly soft.

Step Six:
Spread Broccoli on plate and then cover with chicken-pineapple mixture.

Monday, August 6, 2012

ZONE Breakfast!

Ok my dear blog followers, I apologize BIG TIME for not posting in over a week! I PROMISE I will do better! Thank you to my K-DEB's for getting me back on the posts! :)

So the most important meal of the day is Breakfast.. and I know some people get tired of the same ole' eggs or maybe they have just found what is easy to ensure they are getting the correct amount of blocks in; well let's try to kick it up a notch.. I love oatmeal, so I figured I would post a "zoned" oatmeal recipe! Hope yall enjoy!

Cinnamon Oatmeal

3 Block Meal

3 Tbsp original oatmeal, raw (3 C)
3/4 cup cottage cheese (3 P)
1 sweet and low packet
3 tsp slivered almonds (3 F)
cinnamon (for taste)

1.)  Boil 1/2 cup of water, pour onto oatmeal and stir until blended.
2.)  Mix in cottage cheese, the sweet and low packet, and enough cinnamon for your liking.
3.)  If needed, put into microwave for 10-15 seconds to ensure all ingredients are heated to your preference.
4.)  Sprinkle almonds on top of oatmeal. ENJOY!